Mike Cavaretta Quoted in Inc. Magazine on Gaming Company’s Pricing Model

MBBP IP Licensing and Technology Attorney Mike Cavaretta was recently quoted in an article written by Howard Greenstein at Inc.com. The article discusses game developer Alex St. John of Hi5.com and his approach to a new type of billing and payment model for online games in which he is able to target specfic gamers who are willing to pay over those who are not.  Greenstein asks Mike, who is also Founder of the New England Games SIG,  if this model is unique:

One of the reasons I like the game industry is that they’re on the bleeding edge of pricing models for other industries to adopt. This model, so far, sounds obvious when explained to me; I would be surprised if it is a unique model, but I can’t think of anyone else doing it, so it may be the case. Others may be doing it, but their way might be better.

To read more of what Mike had to say, please visit Inc.com for the full article.

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