Joseph Marrow and Mark Tarallo Add Dodd-Frank Act Articles to MBBP Resources

MBBP Attorneys Joseph Marrow and Mark Tarallo offer two articles discussing recent provisions to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act:

  • Corporate Attorney Joseph MarrowEnhanced Whistleblower Provisions Under Dodd-Frank Act” written by Joe Marrow, discusses the expansion of protections for whistleblowers originally created under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) under Dodd-Frank. Joe provides information on the new private right of action, the expansion of whistleblowers liability under SOX, and responses to the provisions.
  • Corporate Attorney Mark TaralloMark Tarallo’s “Non-Mandatory Provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act as Guidance for Small Companies,” describes certain provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act that are applicable only to larger “financial services” companies but may also be adopted by all public companies who are interested in applying “best practices” for corporate governance.

For more information, please visit our resources page.

To learn more about the Act, please contact Joe or Mark.

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